Winninger AG


Hamburger Winninger AG is the largest German buyer of life insurance and has used its many years of experience to develop a simple, transparent and innovative online process for selling life and pension insurance. With this state-of-the-art purchasing process, Winninger AG has revolutionized and revitalized the secondary market for life insurance in 2016.

Winninger AG nearly buys all endowment policies of German origin (no unit linked contracts) and holds them up to their maturity. The minimum requirements for Winninger AG to offer a purchase are a surrender value of EUR 8.000 and a remaining time to maturity of min. 4 years (contracts with a larger value and shorter remaining duration will be checked). Furthermore, the policy should have been contracted before 01.01.2015.

Direct insurance, unit-linked life insurance and Riester or Rürup contracts cannot be acquired.